Can I import backlog items into Scrumwise?

Yes, you can import backlog items from CSV files. To do this, click the "Add a backlog item" button in a location that you want to import to. Then click "Import items" at the bottom of the "Add a backlog item" dialog.

Alternatively, you can right-click in the empty background of a backlog list, and select "Import backlog items" from the right-click menu.

In the import dialog, select the file to import, and configure the CSV related options to match the format of the CSV file.

It's useful to open the file in a text editor, so that you can see exactly what CSV format it is in, and which columns contain which fields.

If you select "Ignore duplicates", this will skip backlog items for which there is already an existing backlog item with the exact same name in that project. This is regardless of the status of the existing backlog item, so also includes completed backlog items.

In the "Fields to import" section of the import dialog, select which columns in the CSV file to import each backlog item field from. If you don't want to import a particular field, select "Don't import". Only the name field is required, so you must always select a column for that. For the type field, the CSV column must use the same type names as Scrumwise, so "Epic", "Feature", "Bug", etc.

In the "Other fields to set" section, you can specify additional settings that will be applied to all imported backlog items. You can select which type to set all of the imported backlog items to, if you decide not to import the type from the CSV file. You can also select which tags to add to the imported backlog items, if any.

If you want to import a large number of backlog items, we recommend that you first import from a file with only a couple of items, to check that you've configured everything correctly. You can import at most 250 backlog items at a time. To import more than that, split your CSV file into multiple files.

Note that you cannot import tasks, only backlog items, without any nested tasks. If what you'd like to do is copy or move backlog items between projects in Scrumwise, you can do this the same way as within a project.

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